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Advance Diploma In HTML & PHP


Introduction, Elements, Tags, Attributes, Paragraph,Headings,Line Breaks,Horizontal Rule,Lists, Formattin, Color Codes,Font,Text Links,Email,Images,Image Link,Forms,Table,Frames,Comments,Music Codes,Video Codes,Div

Cascading Style Sheet

Introduction,Types Of CSS(Internal, Inline, External),Selectors(Tags),Use of Class and Id with the Selectors,CSS Background & Color, CSS Text, CSS Font, CSS Border, CSS Padding PHP What is PHP?,What is PHP File?What is Mysql?PHP+MySQL,Basic PHP Syntax ,Comments in PHP, Variables, PHP operators, Control Structures(If else,switch, all loops), Arrays, For Each Loop, Functions,Form Handling,PHP $_GET,PHP $_POST,PHP $_REQUEST,PHP date() Function,PHP include File,File Handling,File Uploading,PHP Sessions,Sending Emails,PHP Cookies,Introduction To MySQL,PHP MySQL Connect To a Database,Closing A Connection,MySQL DataTypes,MySQL Insert,MySQL Select,MySQL where clause,MySQL Delete,MySQL Update,MySQL Aggregate Functions(sum,avg,count etc),MySQL order by and group by clause,MySQL Subqueries, MySQL Joins, PROJECT Advanced PHP
1. Object Oriented Programming in PHP,Classes and Objects,Defining and Using properties and methods,Constructors and Destructors,Method Overriding,Encapsulation,Inheritance,Polymorphism,Static Members,Exception Handling
2. AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML),Using PHP,Using PHP + MySQL
3. Jquery,Playing With Elements,Hiding and Unhiding Images,Jquery UI
• Introduction To CMS,Installation,Handling Joomla Back End,Customization In Joomla,Introduction To Extensions,Installation and Uses Of Extensions in Joomla,Template Development In Joomla,Module Development In Joomla,Component Development In Joomla,Introduction To MVC(Model, View and Contoller.


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