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Exam And Gradation System


To ensure its commitment towards quality education, examinations are conducted under the Digital India Computer Education (DICE) there is a system in place of continuous evaluation. Students are awarded marks and grades on the basis of his/her performance in the module examination, Practical work in Class by Presentation. The evaluation consists of two components: Minimum passing marks are 30% in each module Grade System
Percentage Grade

If any candidate is failed to get 75% attendance, he/she will not be permitted to appear for the examinations nor be refunded the amount. Neither the certificate will be issued nor will the security amount be refunded to him/her. Examination will be conducted Six times a year at your DICE Center.
Exam will carry total 100 Marks.
20 Marks for Practical Examination (includes Class Tests, Assignments, Projects and attendance)
80 Marks is Theory Examination (including Subject/Core question)
Duration of Examination will be 2 hours.
20 Marks for Practical Examination & Mark is Conducted by Center itself
The exam system is different which depend upon the subject & duration of subject like Bio-Monthly, Quarterly, Half yearly etc. The exam is conducted at end of every subject duration, if any student is not able to pass the exam he/she will not appear next exam schedule. The students, who do not appear in the exam, have to deposit a fine of Rs. 100/- to appear in the exam in the next semester. The examination will be conducted at the end of each module and semester. There will be regular test in which the students would have to appear and submit their assignments. The performance as a student will be subjected to assessment at the end of the module.


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