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Advance Diploma in Dot Net


1. An Introduction to C#, What is .NET? ,What is the CLR? ,The FCL ,Primitive Types, Namespaces ,Statements and Expressions ,Operators.
2. Classes and Objects, Constructors ,Reference Types ,Object Oriented Programming ,Inheritance ,Access Modifiers ,Abstract Classes ,Virtual Members ,Static Classes ,Sealed Classes, Partial Classes
3. C# - Types ,Reference Types ,Value Types ,The struct ,Testing Reference Types ,Testing Value Types ,Passing Parameters,Strings ,Boxing ,The enum ,Defining Types ,Interfaces , Arrays , Assemblies
4. C# - Events, Properties, and Methods ,Methods , Method Overloading ,Fields ,Properties ,Events , Events - Delegates ,Events - Subscribing ,Events - Publishing , Indexers ,Operator Overloading, Conversion Operators
5. C# - Flow Control and Exceptions ,Branching ,Switching ,Looping , Using foreach , Jumping ,Returning and Yielding , Throwing Exceptions , Built-in Exceptions , Handling Exceptions , Chaining Catch Blocks ,Finally , Re-throwing Exceptions ,Custom Exceptions
6. C# and the CLR ,Garbage Collection ,Threads , Async , Parallel , Reflection , Attributes , Custom Attributes , COM Interop, PInvoke
7. C# and Generics , Why Generics? , Building Collections Without Generics , Generic Collections , Generic Parameters , Generic Constraints ,Generic Methods ,The default Keyword ,Generic Interfaces ,Generic Delegates ,Variance
8. C# and LINQ ,Extension Methods ,Extensions and Lambdas ,Lambdas and Funcs ,Funcs and Expressions
9. C# and the DLR?, Why Dynamic? ,Using Dynamic Types ,Excel Automation ,The DLR ,ExpandoObject , DynamicObject ,Calling Ruby
10. Object Oriented Programming with C# ,Primitive Procedural Preoccupations ,The Big Encapsulation, Little Abstractions ,The Inheritance Check ,A Clean Interface ,Directional Dependencies
11. Functional Programming with C# ,Prime Abstraction ,A Higher Calling ,Lazy Code ,Timing and Retries ,Partial Application and Currying ,Asynch and Parallel ,Multithreding
12. Exploring the .NET Framework ,File I/O ,Resource management with try/finally/using ,Using XML serialization ,Introducing assembly resolution ,Deploying dependent assembly probing ,Using a config file to control probing ,ArrayList ,Hashtable,SortedList ,Stack and Queue
13. Windows Form , Introduction to Windows Form , Form Controls , User Define Controls
14. ADO.NET ,Connected Architecture ,Disconnected Architecture ,Working with Transaction
15. Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF), Windows Application using WPF , Data Binding , Data Template , Styles Commands
16. ASP.NET ,Web Application using ASP.NET ,ASP.NET Architecture ,Control-based Programming ,User Interface Elements Deployment ,Web Sites, Applications, and Virtual Directories in IIS ,ASP.NET Diagnostics and Health Monitoring
17. ASP.NET Working With Data , Data Binding , State Management , Validation , Caching
18. ASP.NET 3.5 Security ,IIS 6 & IIS7 URL Authorization ,Forms authentication ,Role-based authorization ,Trimming site maps with roles ,Config file encryption ,ASP.NET Membership ,Resources and Internationalization
19. ASP.NET 3.5 Advanced Topics ,HTTP Pipeline ,Custom Controls ,Web Parts ,Web Services
20. ASP.NET AJAX ,ASP.NET Ajax Introduction ,ASP.NET Ajax Server Controls ,ASP.NET Ajax Server Data ,ASP.NET Ajax Client-side Library ,ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit
21. ASP.NET MVC ,Web Application using MVC Pattern ,Razor View ,Controller ,Model
22. Entity Framework ,Introducing the Entity Framework ,Code First Approach
23. Windows Communication Foundation(WCF) ,WCF Configuration ,Hosting WCF Services in Windows Services ,Hosting WCF Services in IIS ,Building RESTful services with WCF
24. Windows Workflow Foundation(WF) , Introducing Windows Workflow Foundation, Programming workflows in WF , Writing custom activites in WF.


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